
Image (cropped): Green hydrogen from Ukraine will be flowing into Europe through an existing pipeline network, leveraging the country's wind and solar energy resources along with biomass. Image courtesy of Hydrogen Ukraine

Why Is Europe So Obsessed With Green Hydrogen?

The green hydrogen market has seen plenty of stumbles ever since innovators, investors, and governments began exploring the idea of deploying renewable electricity to push hydrogen gas from water instead of extracting it from natural gas or coal. Nevertheless, interest runs high especially in Europe, where a domestic green hydrogen … [continued]

European Union Ditching Fossil Gas Fast, Replacing with Solar & Wind

The European Commission recently published its State of the Energy Union Report 2024. The Commission says that the report “describes how the EU has managed unprecedented challenges in the energy policy landscape during this Commission’s mandate, equipping the EU with a regulatory framework for pursuing the clean energy transition and laying the foundations for renewed … [continued]

Game-Changing High-Resolution Solar Data Enables Renewable Energy Expansion Across 2 Continents

New High-Resolution Solar Data and Analysis Provides In-Depth Look at Solar Resources in Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East Over 20 years of research in solar radiation at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is now poised to advance power system planning and solar energy deployment across Africa, Eastern … [continued]

EU flag. Image courtesy of Pixabay.

Joint Statement by the U.S. & EU following 11th U.S.–EU Energy Council

The text of the following statement was released by the Government of the United States of America and European Union. The eleventh United States–European Union (EU) Energy Council (“Council”) met [on Friday] in Washington, chaired by U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy David M. … [continued]