Ted Cruz

Oil & Petrochemical Companies Want YOU To Pay To Protect Them From Climate Change!

Chutzpah, so they say, is murdering your parents, then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you are an orphan. If that be the case, America’s oil and petrochemical companies are guilty of chutzpah raised to the tenth power. Not content with destroying the Earth with billions of tons of carbon emissions and plastic waste, they now want the federal government to build enclaves to protect their refining facilities from rising sea levels and more powerful storms.

The Political Storm About To Hit US

Looking out my window here in Vermont, I can see the storm clouds are gathering, and they are not pretty. There are two storms that I see, but they are are not weather. I hope they will not hit here too badly. I expect one will hit Washington D.C. pretty hard. And with it, I expect the Republican Party will be hurting.

30 Cases Of Anti-Humanity Extremism From Republicans In Congress & Donald Trump

Clearly, the political focus of the year is a certain mind-boggling presidential candidate who hardly touches policy matters — and when he does, tends to push absurd ideas and proposals that would tank our economy, lead to world war, destroy our climate and environment, and piss off our allies. However, as I wrote the other day, Donald Trump’s success in politics wasn’t magic — far from it. Donald Trump’s success in politics was built on the back of decades worth of conspiracy theories and anti-science rhetoric and extremism from the Republican Party. (Come on, people, there’s a reason he won the GOP nomination.)

Climate Change & More Green News Link Bomb (Leo DiCaprio Climate PR, Earth Homes…)

Closing out this series of “link bombs,” here are other cleantech/green news items that don’t fit into the solar energy, wind energy, electric vehicle, and bicycling categories: Climate Change Related Leo DiCaprio Wins Oscar for Best Climate Activist! Leonardo DiCaprio’s Huge Carbon Footprint Leo DiCaprio Talks Climate Change Syria’s Drought Has Likely Been Its Worst … [continued]

Republican Presidential Frontrunners Extremely Anti-Environment/Health (Unprecedented)

The top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination have repeatedly indicated extreme anti-environmental policy preferences, demonstrating to an unprecedented degree lack of concern for the tremendous health costs of pollution. (Note: A study led by the former — now deceased — head of the Harvard Medical School found that the health … [continued]