NASCAR & IndyCar Embrace Electric Car Racing Programs
The electric car revolution has now come to NASCAR and IndyCar in very separate ways — one battery and the other hybrid powered.
The electric car revolution has now come to NASCAR and IndyCar in very separate ways — one battery and the other hybrid powered.
Chicken fat, feathers, bones, and droppings are being explored for sustainable energy storage materials and bio-based fuels.
The electric vehicle revolution has barely gotten under way, and already the goalposts for EV charging times are moving on to the next phase.
Guided by machine learning, chemists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory designed a record-setting carbonaceous supercapacitor material that stores four times more energy than the best commercial material. A supercapacitor made with the new material could store more energy — improving regenerative brakes, power electronics and auxiliary … [continued]
Imagine a supercapacitor made from ordinary and abundant materials like water and carbon black. The possibilities are endless.
Once again, European cities are outperforming American ones on the electrification of bus transit. I’ve talked about this before, but nothing has changed and they’re pulling even further ahead. Electric bus manufacturer Solaris recently sold another 18 articulated electric vehicles to public transport operator Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne (MPK) in Cracow. … [continued]
Supercapacitors offer exciting new possibilities for electric vehicles. Here are two stories about advances in supercapacitor technology.
The dream of driving on electric highways (eHighways) for miles without recharging still has a few researchers and entrepreneurs excited. Some of them are creating a project test track in Sweden where electric vehicles can drive without fear of depleting their battery pack.
Scientists in China have devised a way to manufacture low cost, environmentally friendly electrodes for supercapacitors from nanocellulose, the basic material in wood pulp.
Researchers in the UK are working on new supercapacitors they claim can recharge in 10 minutes and power an electric vehicle for up to 350 miles.