solar impulse

Solar Leaders In Universities, In The Air, & In The Solar Industry

A society-wide transition to clean energy requires action on many levels. Private consumers, commercial-level consumers, institutions, and government need to aid the transition. Additionally, of course, the production side of the industry has to continually advance the technologies and improve their competitiveness. An exciting story out of California combined with a … [continued]

Solar Impulse Takes Off For New York

I don’t think I’ll ever look up again when I hear a plane overhead. The finest flights, like a bird’s, are now soundless to me. The drone of internal combustion engines is no longer state of the art for aviation. By powering human flight, a new kind of energy has … [continued]

Pioneering Solar Impulse 2 To Crown Its US Journey

Rolling hills, greening woodlands, and orderly farms grace Pennsylvania’s Lehigh River valley, where Solar Impulse 2 landed on the world’s first solar-powered circumnavigation last week. Small cities—Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton—dot the piedmont countryside. You would never expect the peaceful Lehigh Valley to be hosting a high-tech superstar of the 21st century. … [continued]

Microgrids Can Fly

 ABB is one of my favorite companies in the world (disclosure: that is probably part of the reason why I’m an ABB shareholder, but I’ve been a fan far longer than I’ve been a shareholder). It is a big player in the solar energy industry, the electric vehicle industry, … [continued]

Soaring With The Sun: History Of Solar Flight

Recent news about the Solar Impulse and its successful landing journey to Hawaii have many renewable energy champions singing the praises of solar flight, even after learning the plane will have to remain in Hawaii until 2016 while overheated batteries are replaced. I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with … [continued]

Solar Impulse 2 Will Remain in Hawaii Until 2016! (Videos)

Originally published on 1Sun4All. BREAKING NEWS from Solar Impulse 2 (Si2): Irreversible Damage To Overheated Batteries In Si2 Pushes The Second Half Of Round-The-World Solar Flight To Early Spring 2016. Despite the hard work of the team to repair the batteries which overheated in the record-breaking oceanic flight from Nagoya to Hawaii, Si2 will stay in Hawaii until … [continued]