EV Battery Makers Have Been Doing It Wrong This Whole Time
Researchers discover one weird trick at the end of the EV battery manufacturing process that saves time and money while extending battery life by an average of 50%.
Researchers discover one weird trick at the end of the EV battery manufacturing process that saves time and money while extending battery life by an average of 50%.
Toward the end of President Obama’s time in office, the US Department of Energy (DOE) launched a “Battery500 Consortium.” The goal is in the name: reaching 500 Wh/kg battery energy density with lithium-metal battery cells, a target which was reportedly triple the battery energy density at the time.
Researchers in California and the UK say they have found ways to make lithium ion batteries with far greater range than those in commercial use today.
Researchers from Stanford University and the US Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have launched a new initiative called ‘Bits & Watts’ which will seek to develop a “smart” technology to help transition the electricity grid into the 21st century.
As I’ve written many times, I think the #1 barrier to quicker electric car (and electric bus) adoption is simply lack of awareness / lack of experience. That said, despite the many technological, societal, and consumer benefits of electric cars, there are two remaining technological hurdles that can limit adoption for … [continued]
A team of researchers at MIT has come up with a membrane-free flow battery, and that could mean that the solar powered future we’ve been looking forward to is even closer than we thought. Flow batteries have a huge advantage when it comes to utility-scale energy storage, especially for intermittent … [continued]
Original article posted on Stanford News. By Mark Shwartz Scientists have spent decades trying to build flexible plastic solar cells efficient enough to compete with conventional cells made of silicon. To boost performance, research groups have tried creating new plastic materials that enhance the flow of electricity through the solar … [continued]