Want To Stop Climate Change? Educate Girls.
“Today’s girls are tomorrow’s leading scientists, campaigners and politicians.”
“Today’s girls are tomorrow’s leading scientists, campaigners and politicians.”
I thought I would go back to the Zayed Sustainability Prize winners from last year to check what has changed and how the prize has impacted their operations.
Women in Sierra Leone have demonstrated that energy is a catalyst for women’s economic empowerment and advancement. Energy access transforms lives and communities through unlocking not just power, but benefits to health, education levels, livelihoods, gender equality and the environment.
The World Bank Group announced on Monday that its Board had approved over $200 million in funding for off-grid electrification projects in West Africa and the Sahel region, designed around stand-alone solar systems.
During our conversation, we talked about Sierra Leone’s main challenges, the injustice she experienced as a black woman in business, Africa’s difficult access to finance, and how women are a very important part of the solution to bring clean energy to all.
A preview of interviews with The Beam Editor-in-Chief Anne-Sophie Garrigou, as featured in The Beam #7.
There are a lot of things that are exciting and cool about various cleantech products, but when it comes down to it, many of us hardcore cleantech enthusiasts follow this stuff because it saves lives. Saving any life is great, but there’s something extra special about saving a baby’s life. On the flip side, there’s something extra harsh about seeing or even hearing about a baby’s death.
American energy companies New Generation & Nations Solar are working with Sierra Leone to develop new solar & hydroelectric electricity generation.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) just announced funding for six renewable energy projects in six separate developing countries. ADFD is providing about $41 million in loans for these projects, while the total combined project costs come to over $80 million. “The … [continued]