RGS Energy

Powerhouse 3.0 Solar Shingles Head To The Roof

The snail-slow solar shingle race is moving once again, as Real Goods Solar accepts the first of its $127 million worth of Powerhouse preorders on December 27. The company also announced plans to ramp up production every quarter during 2019 toward a 5 megawatt annual capacity guarantee from its manufacturing partners. The announcement coincides with Tesla plans to ramp up its solar shingle production next year as well. May the best shingle prevail.

Why Solar Installers Are Becoming Vertically Integrated

Originally published on Rocky Mountain Institute By Robert McIntosh and James Mandel. A curious trend’s been washing through U.S. solar recently: vertical integration, the process of companies owning more and more of their own supply chains. Sunrun, a developer and financier, recently purchased the residential division of REC Solar, a major installer. … [continued]

Mosaic Home Solar Loan Launched By Mosaic & RGS Energy

Originally Published on the ECOreport. One of Mosaic’s defining moments came in January 2013, when it started offering a return on crowdsourcing investments. That enabled small investors to buy into solar projects on the rooftops of schools, apartment buildings, convention centers, and other buildings. The Oakland–based company did $7 million worth of business … [continued]