
Use of Electricity in Houses to Grow More Quickly in Developing Economies

In our International Energy Outlook (IEO2021) Reference case, we project that residential buildings outside the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will consume more electricity than all residential and commercial buildings combined in OECD countries by 2050. However, people in non-OECD countries will, on average, still consume less than half … [continued]

Is Solar Ownership Poised For A Comeback?

With “no money down” and “zero maintenance” to attract homeowners, solar leasing has become the overwhelming favorite for residential solar installations. And with the complexity of tax incentives, rebates, and financing, it’s hard to find fault with homeowners that choose this low-effort option. But giving up ownership means giving up … [continued]

Massachusetts Residential Solar Installations More Than Quadrupled Between 2010 And 2012

Citing an “eco-conscious population, a growing number of options for going solar, and enticing Federal and state-level incentives”, award-winning solar integrator RevoluSun has released Massacusetts Clean Energy Center data showing that residential solar installations have more than quadrupled between 2010 and 2012 in the state. The data, alongside economic factors … [continued]

Building Codes: Simple Energy Savings

  In energy policy, lawmakers often prefer carrots to sticks because it minimizes the opposition. But mandatory rules, like building energy codes, can save energy and pay back several times over during the useful life of buildings. The state of Illinois is poised to become a regional leader by adopting … [continued]