Literacy, Democracy, & A Sustainable Planet
17 scientists have written a research paper that challenges social scientists to talk to each other to devise ways of countering the torrent of misinformation about a warming planet found on social media.
17 scientists have written a research paper that challenges social scientists to talk to each other to devise ways of countering the torrent of misinformation about a warming planet found on social media.
Mark Jacobson of Stanford and his colleagues have created a road map for how the nations of the world can transition to 100% renewable energy quickly and safely. Are his ideas realistic?
Surface melt in Greenland’s southwest is causing the ice sheet to melt faster than previously thought.
A new study conducted by an international research group has raised the question of what happens when too many wind turbines begin affecting the low atmosphere. Over the last decade there have been several attempts to determine the impact of wind farms on the atmosphere and regional and global climate. … [continued]
An impressive new solar-powered sterilization system — capable of converting as much as 80% of the energy found in sunlight into sterilization heat — was recently created by nanotechnology researchers at Rice University. The researchers think that the new “solar steam” sterilization system could be of great utility to those … [continued]
The drive to replace coal-burning electricity with natural gas continues to run into environmental speed bumps.