
Permafrost Thawing In Siberia Bringing With It Anthrax Outbreaks & Huge Methane Explosions

The ongoing melting of permafrost in Siberia has brought with it some very strange events — including the creation of massive methane blowout craters. In addition to the — sometimes catastrophically violent — release of methane from the previously frozen tundra, the melting has also been accompanied by the return of microbial illnesses that haven’t been present in the region for quite some time.

Permafrost Thaw Intensifying In Northern Canada

Permafrost thaw and decay is intensifying in northern Canada, according to recent research from the Northwest Territories Geological Survey. To be more specific, the research found that out of a half-million-square-mile section of northwest Canada (the part the researchers analyzed), roughly 52,000 square miles is undergoing permafrost decay and collapse.

Dave’s Top 10 Clean Energy News Stories From June

This is the second monthly report of 10 of the most compelling renewable energy and clean technology stories encountered from the previous month that have not already been published on CleanTechnica. Literally hundreds of articles are reviewed each month across many energy platforms, including renewables, fuels, energy generation, and conservation … [continued]