Why France Went Nuclear

France’s choice to invest heavily in nuclear, many don’t seem to be aware, was based on the fact that the country had very little in the way of its own energy resources such as coal, oil, and gas. It was hit particularly hard by the oil crisis of 1973 when … [continued]

$48 Trillion For Energy Needed By 2035

Originally published on Energy Post. By Karel Beckman Meeting the world’s growing need for energy will require more than $48 trillion in investment over the period to 2035, according to a special report on investment released [this week] by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as part of the World Energy Outlook series. Today’s annual … [continued]

Orange You Glad I Said Biofuel?

Food waste offers a tantalizing source of renewable biofuel, and orange peels are a perfect example of the potential. According to the American Chemical Society, we are sitting on a veritable gold mine of citrus waste. Global agriculture produces about 15.6 million tons of orange and other citrus waste annually … [continued]