national park service

NPS employee on horseback talking to visitors in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Image from National Park Service, Public Domain.

National Parks Contributed Record High $55.6 Billion to U.S. Economy, Supported 415,000 Jobs in 2023 

Local economies in every state boosted by national park visitor spending WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service released a that finds visitor spending in communities near national parks in 2023 resulted in a record high $55.6 billion benefit to the nation’s economy and supported 415,400 … [continued]

Solar Array Image courtesy of National Park Foundation, U.S. Virgin Islands

U.S. Virgin Islands National Park Gets Much Needed Solar Power

When someone talks about national parks, the mental image that forms in your head is probably something like Yosemite, Yellowstone, or maybe the Great Smoky Mountains. The Caribbean generally doesn’t come to mind first. But one of the United States’ most beautiful parks is out there east of Puerto Rico, … [continued]

Tunnel Road, Zion National Park, Utah. Photo by Fritz Hasler | CleanTechnica.

Analysis: EV Fast-Charging Infrastructure Needed to Enable Travel to National Parks

NREL Analytical Tools Help Chart the Course for On-Route Charging During Road Trips From the Grand Canyon to the majestic Tetons, national parks in the western United States draw more than 80 million visitors a year. Most of these visitors rely on their personal vehicles or rentals to get them … [continued]