Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wind Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) at All-Time Low

It’s been awhile since I read and wrote about so many huge clean energy stories in one day, or in one week. From clean, renewable energy providing Europe with 70% of its new power in 2011, to solar PV bringing down the cost of electricity in Germany, to the largest offshore wind farm in the world opening in the UK today, and even more big stories in between, this is a time to remember. Another big story, reported by Greentech Media and discovered by researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), is that the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from wind power has reached an all-time low.

Using CO2 to Extract Geothermal Energy

As part of developing new energy resources that don’t emit carbon dioxide, the DOE is funding 9 trials that use supercritical CO2 to extract more geothermal energy. [social_buttons] The idea started in 2000 at Los Alamos National Laboratory; when physicist Donald Brown thought of pumping geothermal fluid using supercritical CO2 … [continued]