Kia Soul EV long-term review

My Kia Soul EV — Two Years On

After two years with my Soul EV, and over 32,000 km (20,000 miles) later, the dream of having an EV is now just a good memory. The EV routine has become the new normal. The Kia has become the primary choice for driving, not only for commutes and daily errands, but also for some larger trips — up to 300 km (200 miles) — when fast-charging is available. That has left the fossil crossover relegated for that odd trip into the wilderness, or long travel where charging anxiety would be the norm.

My Kia Soul EV (CleanTechnica Review)

This is a story of someone jumping from a gas car to a fully electric car, replacing a much loved 15 year old Honda for a brand new Kia Soul EV. I explain below why I chose this car and some first impressions, as well as my first days in the adventure of using public charging infrastructure, due to lack of home charging.