Climate Scientists Agree — 2023 Was Bad But The Worst Is Yet To Come
Climate scientists are worried. Not only were there more severe weather events in 2023, next year is likely to be even hotter.
Climate scientists are worried. Not only were there more severe weather events in 2023, next year is likely to be even hotter.
James Hansen is now 82 years old. It has been 35 years since he warned the Senate about greenhouse gases and global warming.
Climate action lessons for everyone in The Right Stuff, a tale of human derring-do and a vision of the world of tomorrow.
Project Drawdown has issued an update to its first report entitled Drawdown Review. The group says we have all the tools we need to address climate change effectively. All we have to do is use them.
The latest climate research finds the likelihood of an average global temperature increase staying below of 1.5 degrees Celsius is very low and declining. There is one solution and we all know what it is.
A new study published in Nature claims spreading basaltic rock dust on the fields where crops are grown could pull up to 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
September 20 will see millions of people around the world assemble to demand urgent and serious action on climate change. Will you be part of it?
A federal judge in Rhode Island has ruled that the state may pursue its claims for damages against more than 21 oil and gas companies in state court.
Everybody is running away from the Green New Deal. What we need is leaders who will embrace it.
Climate change deniers operate at the emotional level. Climate change advocates operate at the intellectual level. That’s why climate deniers are winning.