Climate Change & More Green News Link Bomb (Leo DiCaprio Climate PR, Earth Homes…)

Closing out this series of “link bombs,” here are other cleantech/green news items that don’t fit into the solar energy, wind energy, electric vehicle, and bicycling categories: Climate Change Related Leo DiCaprio Wins Oscar for Best Climate Activist! Leonardo DiCaprio’s Huge Carbon Footprint Leo DiCaprio Talks Climate Change Syria’s Drought Has Likely Been Its Worst … [continued]

Amber Rudd Defends Cuts To UK Feed-in Tariff

Amber Rudd, the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Secretary, has defended her government’s decision to cut solar’s access to the country’s popular feed-in tariff scheme. Announced last week, the UK Government revealed the result of its consultation into various renewable energy incentives — including the wildly successful feed-in tariff (FiT) … [continued]