Methane Is A Big Greenhouse Gas Problem & We Leak A Lot Of It Before…
So many different places where a bad greenhouse gas can leak in natural gas systems. So little incentive for the industry to fix it.
So many different places where a bad greenhouse gas can leak in natural gas systems. So little incentive for the industry to fix it.
A longer version of this article, with commentary, was released in one of our sister publications, Planetsave, on Sunday, July 27. Scientific American has raised an issue that’s been puzzling environmental and climate scientists since the beginnings of the natural gas boom in the United States. With ClimateWire, the nation’s … [continued]
This week, the US Environmental Protection proposed a new rule for the oil and natural gas industry to report data on greenhouse gas emissions from their operations. If it goes into effect as planned next year, the data will go a long way toward settling the question of whether natural … [continued]
Now, here’s a shocker. The Environmental Defense Fund has spearheaded an ambitious industry-funded series of studies on fugitive emissions from fracking and other natural gas life cycle operations, and the first study to be released looks just like…well, like what you’d expect from an industry-funded study. It was met with … [continued]
If you’ve never heard of Blackside dace before, now’s your chance. Blackside dace is a federally listed threatened species of minnow found only in the Cumberland Basin part of Tennessee and Kentucky. We suddenly find them quite interesting because the US Geological Survey has partnered with the Fish and Wildlife … [continued]