
Rural charger. Image courtesy of FreeWire.

10 Recommendations for Successful EV Outreach & Adoption in Low-Income, Rural & Underrepresented Communities

Low-income and rural communities are often the most negatively impacted by pollution and poor air quality. But these communities are being left out of the advancements in clean transportation that help alleviate this issue. Despite their benefits, the adoption of EVs has been largely concentrated in affluent areas. This discrepancy … [continued]

St. Louis Initiates Electric Transition

Courtesy of NRDC. By Kelly Blynn, Stefan Schaffer  This blog was co-authored with Maurice Muia, Climate Advisor to the City of St. Louis. St. Louis continues to set a brisk pace on its path toward clean transportation: In February, Mayor Lyda Krewson signed an executive order that formally begins the transition for … [continued]