energy politics

Campaign Launched to Counter Utilities’ Efforts to Derail California’s Net Metering Program

With much of the US continuing to experience high heat and drought, distributed solar, and renewable power sources are helping alleviate the strains on electricity grids. Ongoing progress to integrate more clean, renewable energy into US power grids is threatened by utilities’ efforts to derail efforts such as California’s Net Metering program, however, according to Protect Net Metering. […]

Imperial Valley’s Unique Combination of Solar and Geothermal Resources Make it a Hotbed of Renewable…

California’s Imperial Valley is rich in solar and geothermal energy resources, but its drive to build itself into a clean, renewable energy hub is creating some controversy among the local community, which in large part has been built around agriculture. County commissioners on Tuesday approved LS Power’s application to build the Centinela 275-MW solar photovoltaic energy array on private farmland, bringing the debate, and tensions, to the fore.

Cleantech Weekly Roundup

Some more great cleantech stories from the week that we haven’t yet covered. This week, I decided to just organize them by topic (note, of course, that some topics overlap — in such cases, I put a little note about which other categories each article could be filed under after titles for those of you only interested in a particular topic). Check out these other interesting cleantech stories …