Rooftop Solar & Virtual Power Plants Take Center Stage As Oil & Gas Wilt
The rooftop solar and home energy storage trends are pushing the case to replace gas peaker plants with zero emission “virtual” power plants.
The rooftop solar and home energy storage trends are pushing the case to replace gas peaker plants with zero emission “virtual” power plants.
A US firm is refurbishing, upgrading, and relocating older wind turbines for re-use in the distributed energy resources market.
Energy efficiency is the subject of a recent study by RMI, which finds two-thirds of fossil fuel energy is wasted each year.
Small-scale solar arrays, wind turbines, and other distributed resources are turning ratepayers from consumers into renewable energy heroes.
With financial rewards tied to building big things, and a 100-year history of doing so, utilities overlook distributed energy resources like rooftop solar. State regulators, expecting the grid future to unfold from a utility’s central plan, rarely push back. But the truth is that central planning may cost everyone (except utility shareholders) more, because the most cost-effective electricity system can be built from the bottom up.
The need to decarbonize our economy presents new opportunities to increase electricity demand beneficially. And doing that — particularly by electrifying transportation — has never been cheaper or easier to do than it is now.
Solar energy advocates have won an important legal battle against demand charges imposed on rooftop solar customers in Kansas.
GridBeyond, the leading intelligent energy & smart grid platform provider for Distributed Energy Resource Management, has successfully concluded its Series B financing round. A number of high-profile partners have invested in a $11.7m (€10.5m) transaction to support the scale-up of the business and international expansion.
The cost of solar power is set for yet another steep slide at the expense of coal, regardless of the love showered on coal miners by the Commander-in-Chief.
Minnesota’s community solar program hit a record 435 megawatts of operational capacity in September 2018.