Danish climate law

Can A Government Be Held Accountable If Climate Legislation Is Violated?

If you think about the goal of the Paris Agreement to halve global carbon emissions in the next 10 years to keep the world on track to limit temperature rise to 1.5C, it in itself might seem, and frankly might actually be, impossible. But you don’t get points for not trying, we are all in this together, and the sooner a small country like Denmark can show concrete results from functional climate legislation, larger countries just might follow.

The Climate, The Queen, And The Deep Blue Sky

Her majesty the Queen Margrethe II of Denmark says she is not convinced that human activity is the primary cause of the current climate change? Nevertheless, it just might be the work on the green energy transition that most effectively will get us back on track after the corona crisis. Experts and organizations now want a green emergency plan for restoring Denmark’s economy, regardless of the Queens assumptions I presume.