
Foreign Windpower Giant Iberdrola Taps Saudi Arabia of Wind Because We Can't

Today, a European company put the finishing touches on a wind project in North Dakota which Americans have known for decades is “the Saudi Arabia of Wind.”

Spain’s Iberdrola Renovables, the parent company of Iberdrola Renewables Inc that built the project became a giant global wind company in the wake of the Kyoto Accord. The European renewable energy sector grew from the resulting renewable energy legislation in Europe.

The result is that it is European wind companies such as Vestas and Iberdrola, that are now building the wind energy that we need.

$100 Billion Opportunity for Waste-To-Energy Companies in Developing World

Here’s an opportunity to wisely spend some of the $100 billion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised at Copenhagen to cut the greenhouse gases of developing nations by aiding in the development of renewable energy infrastructure to by-pass fossil fuel dependence.

Apparently one in four Chinese cities and seven out of 10 counties are without sewage-treatment plants, according to the People’s Daily.

Geothermal Energy 2010 Outlook

CleanTechies catches up with Curt Robinson, executive director of the Geothermal Resources Council, for three quick questions: CleanTechies: You’ve spoken at a number of conferences about the opportunities in international geothermal energy.  What territories look most promising in 2010?  What, in particular, is the outlook for China? Curt Robinson: For … [continued]