
Thru March 29, IKEA Donates 1€/$1.35 Per LED Sold To UNHCR

Originally published on 1Sun4All. Angelina Jolie has worked with UNHCR since 2001 — you may read more about her Field Missions here. IKEA is well-known for the company’s sustainability practices and it currently has a campaign to provide solar lighting and fuel-efficient cooking stoves in UNHCR refugee camps. It started on February 3 and is running through March … [continued]

Yes, Cell Phones Are Bad for Your Child (Probably)

Studies, studies, and more studies have been done to research cell phone safety – do they cause brain tumors? The World Health Organization officially classified cell phones’ radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as cancer-causing (cue massive debate), not long after Dr. Devra Davis claimed that cell phones were especially dangerous to children. Dr. Davis may be right after all; new research published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine indicates that kids absorb more radiation than adults. This is, in a nutshell, bad.