Central America

Solar System Installations Increasing Fast

Originally published on Worldwatch Institute. New analysis by the Worldwatch Institute examines global trends in the solar power sector Washington, D.C.—The year 2013 saw record-breaking growth for solar electricity generation as the photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) markets continued to grow. With over 39 gigawatts installed worldwide, the … [continued]

Trees, Water, & People Launches Subsidiary To Bring More Solar Power To Latin America

Trees, Water and People, a nonprofit run by conservationists, has launched a for-profit subsidiary aimed at bringing more solar power to Latin America. The subsidiary, Luciérnaga, “distributes small (<15W) solar lighting technologies that affordably meet lighting and device charging needs for energy poor populations.” http://youtu.be/dDvUnrUUm9w Trees, Water and People has had … [continued]