
Tesla Model Y equipped for serious camping. Photo by Kyle Field | CleanTechnica.

The Quiet Revolution: Electric Vehicles Transforming Camping Trips

As dawn breaks over the campgrounds, a familiar symphony of nature’s sounds plays out. Birdsong fills the air, owls hoot in the distance, and raccoons rustle through the underbrush. Yet, there’s a change afoot that’s altering this morning melody: the absence of car engines rumbling to life as campers pack … [continued]

Featured image (and all other images) by Jennifer Sensiba.

My Top Apps For Electric Adventure

We all have different ideas of what’s fun. For some of us, almost everything we need to have fun lie within a few miles of home, and we only occasionally go further than that. For others, little regional trips are where it’s at. There are also people who love cruise … [continued]