Lithium-Air EV Batteries Tapped For Net Zero Economy Of The Future
Lithium-air EV batteries could help decarbonize aviation, shipping, and railways if only some key technology hurdles can be leaped.
Lithium-air EV batteries could help decarbonize aviation, shipping, and railways if only some key technology hurdles can be leaped.
We launch this series on solar flight by introducing Roland and Robert Boucher, an innovative and visionary twosome that John Perlin refers to as “the Wright Brothers of solar aircraft.” The year was 1974 when their Sunrise 1, the first solar plane, took off. Meyers: I’d like to know more … [continued]
Cloteam LLC, a startup company led by the battery expert Christina Lampe-Önnerud, who also founded Boston-Power Inc, was recently awarded a $3.5 million loan from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to develop electric vehicle energy storage systems using different designs. This is one of 22 projects in 15 states that … [continued]
At the ARPA-E 2012 summit in the Gaylord Convention Center just outside Washington, D.C. this week, Bill Gates and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu discussed the largest energy challenges of the 21st century in the U.S. and around the world. Here’s a 50-minute video of Gates and Chu’s comments … [continued]