Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger, global warming, pollution — by DALL·E.

Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants Us To Focus On “Pollution” Rather Than “Climate Change”

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been one of the few Republican champions of climate action. That’s not to say he’s been perfect on the topic, but he has been serious about wanting to address global heating and disruptive climate change. He’s also been a top-notch climate communicator. Talking about climate change in … [continued]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Lends Greta Thunberg A Tesla

One of the very interesting things about Greta’s climate activism is that she walks the walk. She doesn’t do air travel, even for trips that cross oceans. Most recently, she made headlines for a speech at the United Nations in New York, but despite being from Europe, she didn’t get there by plane. People helped her get across the ocean by sailboat to help her keep her climate impacts as low as possible.