Alberta Halts New Renewables Because They Were Too Successful
It’s almost like this is an ideologically motivated witch hunt that’s completely baseless. It’s almost like Alberta hates getting any good press.
It’s almost like this is an ideologically motivated witch hunt that’s completely baseless. It’s almost like Alberta hates getting any good press.
Peak oil demand means lowering oil prices per barrel. In a world that needs to decarbonize hydrogen, Alberta’s product will be too expensive to refine.
In the face of fierce opposition, TC Energy has decided to abandon its plan to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
Canada’s carbon tax that peaks at $170 per ton CAD in 2030 will add 40 to 50 cents to a liter of gas when well-to-wheel emissions are counted. The retail adder isn’t the entire story.
The Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund has sold $3 billion worth of energy stocks and other companies it finds are seriously harming the environment. Most of the stocks it sold in the energy sector are for Canadian companies involved in producing and distributing oil derived from the Alberta tar sands.
Both Norway and Alberta, Canada are economies that gain huge profits from selling oil. They have huge natural reserves of it and make ginormous profits from feeding our “need” for oil powered transportation. However, their method of deploying those profits is in sharp contrast, and interestingly it even guides their philosophies and how they view climate change.
Teck Resources has decided to abandon its plan to build an enormous new tar sands mine in Alberta. It’s a significant victory for the Earth but environmentalists cannot rest. The fight for a clean energy future has a long way to go yet.
Canada is on the verge of approving a massive new tar sands mine, despite its pledge to meet the Paris climate accord agreement. But will it ever get built?
On Monday, Canada passed a resolution promising to adhere to its commitment made in Paris. On Tuesday, Canada said it has approved the Trans Mountain pipeline that will transport oil from the Alberta tar sands to the west coast. Holy cognitive dissonance, Batman!
An appeals court in Canada has ruled unanimously against the Trans Mountain Pipeline that seeks to send tar sands from Alberta to ports on the west coast. Some are jubilant.. Some are horrified. Now the battle lines are being drawn.