Search Results for: portugal

Renewable Energy Production Increased 8.3% & Coal Consumption Dropped 16.3% Last Year in Europe

[social_buttons] The newest eurostat report on energy production and usage in Europe shows that renewable energy production increased 8.3% and coal consumption dropped 16.3% last year. In total, renewable energy accounted for 18.4% of energy production and coal accounted for 9.6%. As I reported earlier this year, the European Union … [continued]

Reuters: Cap and Trade Worked in EU

It’s official. The EU trading system got carbon emissions down. It’s one thing when renewable energy writers on blogs like this say cap and trade has transformed Europe. [social_buttons] We regularly cover the huge wind and solar industries created there – the results of Europe’s early adoption of the Kyoto … [continued]

PG&E to Try Next Round of Wave Power Tests off Santa Barbara Coast

Moving on from the problems encountered in the Northern California wave energy tests off Mendocino and Humboldt Counties; PG&E has just filed a new preliminary permit application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for another three-year study of a potential wave power site.

This time the proposed site is off the coast of Santa Barbara County at Vandenberg Air Force Base. Like every Federal Agency, the Air Force is now under Executive Order to cut transport carbon emissions 30% and to power buildings with renewable energy, possibly making this location more amenable to tests of a renewable energy source that has that potential.

Hydrovolts, Inc. Fishes for New Energy in Old Canals

The Seattle-based company Hydrovolts, Inc. has discovered an economical way to tap waterways for hydroelectricity.  Rather than damming mighty rivers or installing turbines in unpredictable oceans, Hydrovolts has aimed its sights on a much smaller target: placid canals and other managed-flow water courses.  Even at low flows, a predictable and … [continued]