Search Results for: mexico

Cap+Trade Pays for David Koch’s Fossil Fuel Reduction

MIT’s newly inaugurated David H Koch Institute is expected to save 30% in energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

About a fifth of the cost was funded by pollution-auction proceeds from cap and trade at the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

This very ironic news that David Koch is one of the many beneficiaries of a cap and trade program he bitterly opposes, was broken by Positioning Green writer Jon Coifman at Climate Progress.

World Water Day: 60 Posts on Water & Cleantech

Today is world water day. We’ve written quite a number of posts on different ways water is connected to cleantech and clean energy. Rather than write a whole new post on one or two aspects of this, I’ve decided to do a compilation piece. The following are articles on CleanTechnica (and a few from our sister site Planetsave) on some of the connections between cleantech and water.

Another Big Win for Koch Tea Party Funding – New Hampshire Abandons its RGGI Polluter…

New Hampshire’s newly elected veto-proof Republican majority is swiftly consolidating the pro-pollution agenda provided by oil billionaires Charles and David Koch, the heads of Koch Industries. The New Hampshire House passed HB 519 by 246-104 on Wednesday, repealing its membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), after a successful … [continued]