Search Results for: hydrogen aircraft

The devolution of hydrogen for energy infographic by Michael Barnard, Chief Strategist, TFIE Strategy Inc.

The Devolution Of Hydrogen For Energy Over 25 Years Is A Fascinating Tale

About 25 years ago, hydrogen was the solution of choice for climate-aware technocrats and politicians, and with good reason. At the time, there really wasn’t much choice in terms of low-carbon energy carriers. Batteries were good enough for laptops and phones, but clearly no one was going to be running … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image that visually represents the challenge of limited infrastructure for hydrogen fuel distribution.

RMI Has Fallen Into The Hydrogen For Energy Pit Again

The Rocky Mountain Institute is a respected organization that has done great work since its founding in 1982. Amory Lovins, its founder and long its leader, is a tremendous thought leader who was ahead of his time. He’s been proven right on many things. And he’s been proven wrong on … [continued]

Midjourney generated image of a passenger jet lying on the ground

ICCT’s Hydrogen For Aviation Perspective Is Deeply Wrong As Well

The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) is a US-headquartered think tank with offices globally. It’s been around since 2001. It was founded with noble ideals and funding from progressive and climate-focused foundations including the Hewlett and Packard family foundations and the Energy Foundation. Its mission and vision is to … [continued]