Search Results for: tesla

Gallons Of Light

Tesla cars are already pretty dang popular. However, as with all electric vehicles, there’s a lot of room for improvement on the marketing side of things. Frankly, reaching out to the desires and emotions of common people is something we all need to do better. Jordan Bloch, who’s in the … [continued]

Interview With Robert F Kennedy Jr On Environmental Activism, Democratization Of Energy, & More

This article was originally published on RenewEconomy: In January, RenewEconomy had the opportunity to do an exclusive interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr – son of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, veteran environmental activist, lawyer, and renewable energy advocate. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is head of the Riverkeepers (which has 17 groups … [continued]

Has Europe Attained “Peak-Car” Status?

Europe appears to be exhibiting a phenomenon dubbed as “car-peak” by Morgan Stanley researchers. This phenomenon is the decline of car usage, which can also cause a decline in car demand. There are multiple possible causes for such decline, including culture changes, high gasoline prices, economic hardship, increased environmental awareness, population … [continued]