Heads Explode As Virtual Power Plants Meet Self-Defending Grids
The virtual power plant movement has primed the pump for advanced grid management systems designed to prevent power disruptions.
The virtual power plant movement has primed the pump for advanced grid management systems designed to prevent power disruptions.
Section 1706 Loan Guarantee Will Maintain Affordability for Customers and Improve System Resilience and Reliability As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) announced today the closing of a $15 billion loan guarantee to Pacific Gas & Electric Company … [continued]
The virtual power plant movement is scaling up, powered by smart thermostats that enable utilities and ratepayers to collaborate on grid resiliency and affordability.
Sunrun, the largest rooftop solar company in the United States, recently hit a big milestone — one million customers. We recently sat down with Chris Rauscher, Head of Grid Services & Virtual Power Plants at Sunrun, to discuss this and related matters. Listen to the podcast via the following embedded … [continued]
Thermal energy storage company Ice Energy has a 25.6 MWh utility-scale energy storage program in the Southern California Edison (SCE) utility district. It’s been in operation for five years and is spread out across 100 customer sites. It’s part of the Southern California Virtual Power Plant (“VPP”) Thermal Storage Project. … [continued]
The rooftop solar and home energy storage trends are pushing the case to replace gas peaker plants with zero emission “virtual” power plants.
Virtual power plants can help us use electricity more wisely and reduce the need for expensive new generating resources.
If you own or lease a Ford electric vehicle, you can now get paid to support the electricity grid in Southern California, and you don’t even need vehicle-to-grid technology. This is specifically in the Southern California Edison utility district, and it is initially only an option for Ford EV owners … [continued]
Plan would scale DPPs to boost energy democracy, grid services and savings Washington, DC — Solar United Neighbors (SUN) has developed a groundbreaking state model policy to develop Distributed Power Plants (also known as Virtual Power Plants). By coordinating numerous small-scale solar and battery systems, Distributed Power Plants (DPPs) can add … [continued]
In addition to our electric vehicle news roundup, here’s a new roundup on clean energy and energy storage stories. From solar roofs to EV battery reuse for stationary storage in Spain to community solar and virtual power plants — there’s a lot to share. Read on for all the fun! … [continued]