Grid Storage

The 150-Year-Old Energy Giant Ready To Disrupt The Market (#CleanTechnica Original)

Engie had been on our radar before, but never to a large degree, even though it is a giant energy company — one of the largest in the world. Then, in January, Thierry Lepercq — Executive Vice President of Engie in charge of Research, Technology and Innovation — made some eye-popping futuristic claims which grabbed a lot of attention. A short time later, I was in Abu Dhabi at a gigantic IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) meeting of ministers from many countries around the world. To kick off a big ministerial, there was a CNN-moderated panel discussion with top people from IRENA, Statoil, EDF, IEA (the International Energy Agency), and Engie. Thierry was at the table.

The Great Energy Disruption

Nearly 10 months ago, Tony Seba, author of the 2014 book Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation, posted a video on YouTube, “CleanDisruption.” In both, he projected that a nearly complete disruption of the energy business would begin in 2020 and be well underway by 2022, the year he projects for distributed solar power with battery backup to fall below the cost of transmitting electricity. It is a point at which centralized power plants, if they are to compete with solar-plus-storage, will have to provide power for free. He believes that all centralized electric power producers will be obsolete by 2030, as will conventional cars and utility companies.