Electric Bikes

It’s a Motorcycle! It’s a Car! No, It’s the C-1!

Most drivers who wouldn’t touch a two-wheeled vehicle with a ten-foot pole (motorcycle, scooter, you name it) will tell you that they’re dangerous and uncomfortable; what’s to stop them from tipping over and it’s just cold and wet anyway and I will be in my nice warm quiet car, thank you. The proponent of said two-wheeled vehicle will then insist that their bike is super fuel efficient, accelerates (and brakes) quickly, is more maneuverable, takes up less space (yay, easy parking), and so on […]

7 Cleantech Consumer Products

I scroll through thousands of articles on dozens of sites so that you don’t have to 😀 1. Solar-Powered, Energy-Efficient Homes & the Nissan LEAF In one of the latest solar-EV team-ups, City Ventures and Nissan offer a green triple combo. From the news release: How would you like never … [continued]

Electric Bikes Put a Charge into Commuting

Across much of the globe, bicycles are the most popular form of transportation. In fact, some estimates say about twice as many bikes as cars are on the world’s roads, and a growing number of these bikes, around 120 million, are electric. Bicycles may be the most popular form of transportation in countries like China or Denmark, but that’s not yet the case in America – we love our cars.

However, high gasoline prices and environmental concerns could combine with new technology to make e-bikes the future of two-wheeled transportation in the U.S. energyNOW! correspondent Josh Zepps met one of the world’s top e-bike experts, an e-bike retailer, and a family of commuters who wouldn’t want to travel any other way.