Solar Energy

Solar Panels and the Quest for $1/Watt

If solar panels cost $1/watt, you can sell them (installation included) for $2/watt. Coal (installation included) costs $2.10/watt. To date, solar is still reaching to compete with coal, but the margins are closing. To (over)simplify how this works, you need to ignore issues like subsidies, qualitative costs, or kinks in … [continued]

Power(Cube) to the People!

Got a forklift, 25G, and a desire to live wherever you want? Then the PowerCube from Reluminati is for you! Actually, with its ability to deliver 600-watts of continuous energy, the weight (1 ton) and the cost are the only two negative things I can say about it. Now, if … [continued]

Clean Energy Intro: Solar Businesses

Many businesses are putting the sun to work for them and saving a bundle on utility bills. While much of the country is experiencing increasing energy costs, some are looking to the sun as a solution. Although nearly all solar applications will eventually save money, a large upfront investment is … [continued]

4 Things to Consider Before Going Solar

Solar thermal technology provides space heating and hot water and is a frequently forgotten member of the solar family. These highly effective systems are popular in many parts of the globe, from China to Greece to Zimbabwe. They displace the use of the existing hot water heater and heating equipment, … [continued]