Author: Zachary Shahan

Back to the Future’s DeLorean Now Electric

Remember Back to the Future? Remember that wicked cool car that could time travel (the DeLorean)? Yeah, well, it’s coming back… DeLorean Motor Company announced on the weekend a “brand-new, all-electric DeLorean” (pictured above and below). The electric deLorean made its debut at the DMC Texas Open House Event on October 14 (last Friday).

From the company’s website: “For several years, DeLorean Motor Company of Texas has been reconstituting the fruit of John Z. Deloreans’s troubled loins (phrasing!). Now we are working with electric-car startup Epic EV to put an all-electric DMC-12 into production by 2013.”

Facebook & Opower Creating Social Energy Efficiency App

QUICK NEWS: Facebook and Opower are working with the Natural Resources Defense Council to develop a Facebook app that will encourage more people to pay attention to their energy consumption and energy efficiency. The social energy app will allow people to compare their energy use with the energy use of an average U.S. home of a similar size, and with the energy use of their friends’ homes. In addition, the Facebook app will allow people to share energy saving tips with other app users. And, of course, there will be energy-saving competitions.

Win a Vespa!.. from a Home Wind Turbine Company

I’ve written about Sauer Energy a number of times over the years. About a year ago, the company released a new vertical-axis wind turbine with a unique design to improve the efficiency of this small-scale, clean power option.

With energy prices continually rising (causing not only people’s transportation and electricity bills to rise, but also the price of food and goods), more and more people are turning to clean energy options like this that use free fuel.

It’s just common sense.

My CNBC Energy Opportunities Interview (VIDEO)

I noted about a month and a half ago that I was going to be interviewed for CNBC and Harvard Business Review’s Energy Opportunities series. I was interviewed about a month ago now, at CNBC’s studios in London, and the video has just been published.

Of course, while I actually spoke for about 10-15 minutes, CNBC cut it down to a more attention-span-friendly 2 minutes or so. There’s stuff I would have liked them to have kept in, but I think that they did quite a good job overall and chose some of the most important segments to feature.

Overall, it’s not a pleasure to watch myself on video, and I’m not quite used to discussing these matters verbally. But hey, what can you do?…

In the possibility and hope that this video would be watched by more than just people interested in and knowledgeable about energy (and clean energy, in particular), I wanted to focus on a few points that I thought were most important for most people to understand:

Tom Friedman Tears into Our Economic System, US Citizens, “Climategate,” & Obama at Greenbuild 2011

Noted author and New York Times Columnist Tom Friedman tore into Obama at this year’s Greenbuild Conference in Toronto for some of his environmental and clean energy failures. He’s not the first to do so — Al Gore has, Rolling Stone has, Joe Romm of the blog Climate Progress has, Bill McKibben of has, and numerous environmental organizations have.

I don’t think any of them would say that Obama hasn’t done more than any Republican president at this time would do. But they have all expressed their great frustration at Obama’s lack of leadership and a number of big, sort of shocking failures (i.e. opening up Wyoming to massive coal mining, dropping strong smog standards, opening the Arctic up to oil drilling).