Author: Zachary Shahan

O-M-G — Get Me Out Of This Gasmobile!

I’m renting a gas car for a few days. I won’t bother naming it, but it’s one of the 10 top selling cars in the USA. O–M–G, I cannot wait to get out of this car!

Driving a Tesla, a BMW i3, a Nissan LEAF, a Chevy Bolt EV, or probably any other electric car for a while, my understanding is that the feelings people have when driving a gas or diesel car again are similar to mine below. Even knowing that, and even experiencing it years before, you can’t avoid the visceral shock of this experience.

What Does $24,500 To $37,000 Tesla Model 3 Mean For The US Auto Market?

The $35,000 Tesla Model 3 is here. Finally! The car may have been delayed, but it’s as groundbreaking as it would have been a year or two ago, and it’s well ahead of any comparable vehicles from other automakers. I’ll get to detailed comparisons in another article, but the Model 3 is basically quicker, safer, has higher tech, and is cooler than anything even $10,000–20,000 near it in price.