Search Results for: pumped hydro

ChatGPT generated panoramic image of a lean Danish architect and engineer wearing a black turtleneck overlooking a high speed rail plan

Bent Flyvbjerg, Author Of How Big Things Get Done Talks Pumped Hydro, Transit & More

Before How Big Things Get Done became the best-selling business book of 2023, before it topped best of 2023 lists and before Bent Flyvbjerg’s interview schedule became jammed with every media outlet in the world, I had the opportunity to sit down with him for 90 minutes in early 2023 … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image of a heavy, white fluid glugging out of a pipe

Dense Fluid Pumped Hydro Doesn’t Make Any Sense & A Mea Culpa

A recent online discussion on gravity storage brought the usual suspects out of the woodwork. Proponents of heavy fluid pumped hydro reared their sludgy heads this time. Follow along for why this is a silly idea, as all gravity storage options that aren’t pushing water uphill turn out to be. … [continued]

ChatGPT and DALL-E generated image of one of the deeply stupid gravity energy storage nonsense ideas.

Gravity Storage 101, Or Why Pumped Hydro Is The Only Remotely Real Gravity Storage

In my recent article celebrating the great month that pumped hydro had, between the Loch Ness Red John facility selling to Statkraft, the UK finally settling on cap and floor for the technology and China having 365 GW of power and 4 to 8 TWh of energy storage under construction, … [continued]

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image showcasing a small hilltop reservoir above a Scottish Loch, part of a pumped hydro energy storage system.

Pumped Hydro Accelerating Into Grid Storage Future

There’s been a lot of great pumped hydro news from around the world in the past month, so a bit of a round up is in order. As a reminder, pumped hydro is the gravity storage solution that actually works, unlike concrete blocks, elevators and hillside rail systems. We’ve been … [continued]