jevons paradox

Mandates Better Than Carbon Taxes?, Tesla’s Quarterly Conference Call (Cleantech Talk #20)

In this episode of Cleantech Talk, Matthew Klippenstein and I tackle the stories on our own, with Kyle out for one week. We start off by discussing some interesting research Matthew pulled up on the choice between mandates & regulation versus carbon taxes for tackling global warming & climate change. We then dive into some of the … [continued]

How Bad Ideas Keep Rebounding Into Public Discourse: The Rebound Effect and Its Refutation

I covered the rebound effect here on CleanTechnica a couple months ago. The common argument of rebound effect enthusiasts is that energy efficiency actually increases energy use. Sound hard to believe? Yeah, that’s because it’s not true. Anyway, NRDC’s David Goldstein, Sierra Martinez, and Robin Roy delved into this topic in more depth recently and I’m reposting a great article by David Goldstein on their new report below.