Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want

EV Revolution!!

In this 10th and nearly final article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — we get to an exciting topic — EV Revolution!! Revolution, baby! I’ve mentioned “EV revolution” a few times already in this report. What am I talking about? … [continued]

Electric Car Range Requirements, & Range–Price Tradeoff Preferences

In my last article, I started discussing battery preferences of electric car drivers and likely buyers. In our 8th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — we’re diving a lot deeper into the topic of batteries, specifically getting into required range and … [continued]

What You Want In An Electric Car

In our 7th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into some of the really juicy stuff — specific features people want, car classes people are interested in, and some specifics regarding batteries. We asked only the non-owners/lessees … [continued]

How To Best Promote Electric Cars

Following up on the best things about electric cars, in our 6th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into what EV drivers and enthusiasts consider to be the best ways to promote EVs and spread the EV revolution. … [continued]

Best Things About Electric Cars

In our 5th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into some of the best things about electric cars. Let’s skip and jump through some of the key reasons respondents are interested in EVs, as well as some … [continued]

Leading Electric Car Models & Leading Companies

In our 4th article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into which electric car models respondents were most likely to buy and most excited about, as well as some implications regarding certain car companies. Without surprise, current EV ownership … [continued]

Who You Are — EV Enthusiast Profile

In our third article pulled from Electric Cars: What Early Adopters & First Followers Want — a new report from CleanTechnica, EV Obsession, and GAS2 — I’m jumping into who the respondents of the surveys were. Given that our readers were primarily the respondents, this is basically a look at who you are. One of the … [continued]