
Anbaric Renewable Electricity Transmission Using High-Voltage Direct Current Technology

In an era of producing multiple forms of renewable electricity, the transmission of this high-voltage energy is becoming increasingly important. Anbaric often uses high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology, heralded as one of the “advanced transmission technologies” in the 2005 Energy Policy Act, which provided for the development of a stronger … [continued]

The Anbaric Microgrid Strategy

Along with boosting the overall reliability of electricity distribution, smart microgrid deployment from companies like Anbaric is today proving to be an important smart step in offering solutions for the distribution of renewable energy. Defining microgrids According to the Microgrid Institute, a microgrid is a small energy system capable of balancing … [continued]

Rooftop Solar Eats Away At Network Business Models

This article originally appeared on RenewEconomy. SP Ausnet, one of the few listed energy network operators in Australia, has given a small but revelatory insight into how rooftop solar and changing consumer patterns are turning the business of delivering electricity on its head. The Victorian-based company, majority-owned by Singapore interests, … [continued]

Utility Fights Dirty in City’s Battle for Clean, Local Energy

In just three weeks, citizens of Boulder, Colo., will vote on whether to begin a big, formal process to unplug from Xcel Energy’s system and plug into local energy self-reliance. The vote to form a municipal electric utility could set a precedent for communities across the United States to keep millions of dollars local instead of sending them to remote electric utilities each year.