The Kestrel high-performance computing system at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory accelerates energy efficiency and research at a pace and scale more than five times faster than NREL's previous supercomputer, Eagle. Finding ways to efficiently cool down data center facilities is important in a carbon-free future. Photo by Werner Slocum, NREL

Ohio PUC Struggles To Balance Demands Of Data Centers And Utility Company

A struggle over data centers is taking place in Ohio, where the local utility fears it will build more capacity then be deserted by Big Tech.

200 Clean Energy Companies Urge Congress to Pass Siting, Permitting, & Transmission Reform Before 2024…

WASHINGTON, D.C. — [This week] nearly 200 solar and storage companies sent a letter to congressional leaders calling for legislation to improve permitting, project siting, transmission, and public lands access for solar and solar plus storage projects. Market forecasts show that a range of policy and economic outcomes will determine the volume … [continued]

Born in a Flood: The Epic Story of the Controllable Grid Interface

NREL Researchers Celebrate 10 Years of Replicating Grid Events To Strengthen Renewable Energy Technologies In September 2013, a team of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers, led by Vahan Gevorgian and Robb Wallen, faced a looming deadline. Not only did the brand-new 5-megawatt (MW) dynamometer need to be up and running, connected … [continued]