Author: danielc

Captain Planet, He’s Our Hero!

Ask me about some of my favorite activities during my childhood and you’ll hear me speak of PlayStation, Racing and Cartoons. There are not many things that make me feel young now (sadly) but when I talk about some of my old favorite cartoons, that spark of youth still comes to my eyes; especially when you speak of…wait for it… Captain Planet. At the drop of a dime, I can still sing every word to the theme song with fervency and you don’t have to dare me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would live to see the day that a Captain Planet movie would be in production. The time has come, Captain Planet is coming and in live-action to boot.

sOccket, a New Way to Energize

Let’s add two more people to the “who wants to make a change list?” Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews have come up with another means to fight the battle against the lack of electricity in developing and third world countries. How, you ask? Through the use of a soccer ball.