Author: ahurwitz

Re-generation: The Next Wave of Entrepreneurship is in Sustainability

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move towards higher levels.”- Albert Einstein

Our nation’s economic success has always been based on our technological superiority coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit: In the 1940’s, it was our superior infrastructure and distribution capabilities. In the 60’s and 70’s, we had an explosion of scientific revolutions through the “space race.” And in the late 80’s and 90’s, the technological revolution turned into the internet revolution.

Car 2.0 Overview

Even though automotive executives initially deemed Better Place’s all-electric solution as “nothing more than a thought experiment,” Shai Agassi started by redesigning the all-electric vehicle or EV to prove them wrong and make it as good as any gasoline car today. This was done by developing a convenient system (because it is unacceptable to drive your car for an hour and charge for eight) that’s more affordable (not a forty thousand dollar sedan that would be impossible to finance today). This system uses technology that is feasible with current technology and economics. It is readily available to be scaled to mass in order for 99% of the population to drive it.