Search Results for: panama

The Sun Shines in South America: Colombia & Brazil Give Large Boost to Solar Deployment

South America has a lot of sun and a lot of space, and solar energy has grown from a small player to the main driver of generation growth in several countries in the region (making their already clean grids even cleaner). Today we look at the grids of Chile, Brazil, and Colombia, all of which have already made solar a cornerstone of their generation or are working to do so in the near future.

ChatGPT & DALL-E generated panoramic image illustrating the USA with its domestic waterways and coast routes, featuring exaggeratedly large vessels with prominent American flags.

Europe & USA Sailing Against Tide, Asia Sails With It In Decarbonizing Shipping

Cabotage acts are sabotage for maritime decarbonization. Well, that rhymes, but what does it mean? What is cabotage and why are Europe and the USA more impacted than Asia? It’s a tangled tale and we have to go back over a hundred years to unravel the story and its implications. … [continued]