Year: 2011

New CO2 Sequestration from Finland Yields Commercially Useful Materials

The Finnish physicist Matti Nurmia has patented a different type of CO2 sequestration with real commercial potential, using very little energy in the conversion process and creating byproducts with high commercial value. His firm, Cuyha Innovation Oy (Oy means company) converts acidic CO2 into harmless bicarbonates.

Nurmia’s process differs from carbonization, where CO2 is neutralized with carbonate minerals such as limestone, the way that companies like California’s Calera are making cement with sequestered CO2.

US Wind Tower Group Files Dumping Complaint Against Chinese, Vietnamese Manufacturers

Trade frictions between China and the US continue to intensify as a group of four US wind tower manufacturers filed a complaint with the US Commerce Dept. and International Trade Commission that calls on them to investigate the group’s claim that their Chinese competitors, operating in both China and Vietnam, are benefiting from a raft of improper government subsidies that enable them to engage in predatory pricing here in the US.

Tough Road Ahead for Nuclear Power

Several experts have recently made it clear that they think nuclear power isn’t going to be growing any time soon, and will continue to experience popular criticism and fear, especially in light of the recent damage taken by the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan. In a heavy-handed opening to a … [continued]