zero emissions zones

Zero Emissions Zones: A Tool to Target Benefits of Vehicle Electrification to Communities that Need…

Originally published by Union of Concerned Scientists, The Equation. By David Reichmuth and Leslie Aguayo, a Climate Equity Program Manager from The Greenlining Institute Zero-emission vehicle technologies, like battery electric and fuel cell vehicles, are critical to reducing air pollution and climate-changing emissions from transportation. State and federal policies that require and … [continued]

The Convergence Of Zero-Emissions Zones, EVs, Self-Driving Tech, & On-Demand Taxi Services (2017 Masdar Engage Blogging…

The most important technological innovation or development of the next 10 years in the cleantech sector? The answer to that question, in my mind, is the convergence of various technological and political factors relating to transportation. To be more clear, the convergence of governmentally imposed zero-emissions zones, self-driving vehicle technologies, electric vehicle technologies, and software solutions allowing for effective on-demand taxi service.