
Top 10 Solar Utilities (x 2)

Utilities + solar — it’s a hot topic. And it’s not always a peaceful topic. Today, we’ll lighten things up a bit with a couple of positive utilities + solar lists in this Solar Love repost. The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) recently released its latest SEPA Utility Solar Rankings. Of … [continued]

The Coming Solar Electricity Transformation

Solar cells are unusual in that they were cost-competitive from the get-go. From the Apollo space program to highway signs to lighting for buoys, solar could replace highly expensive power from batteries or other sources and eliminate the need for the construction of electric distribution lines.1 When the Institute for … [continued]

Minneapolis Climate Change Grant Turns Up The Heat For Local Food Service Energy Efficiency Efforts

For over four years, the City of Minneapolis has worked with residents, nonprofits, community organizations, schools, and businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the local level with the Climate Change Innovation Grants. The grants allowed participants to implement their own sustainability initiatives, and are funded through Energy Efficiency and … [continued]

Net Metering: A Net Positive

This article first appeared on Mosaic. by Rosana Francescato There’s been a lot of talk lately about net metering. What’s so special about net metering, and why all the fuss? Net metering is a simple concept that’s policy in 43 states. It’s like rollover minutes on a cell phone bill — … [continued]