G20 Becomes G19 As Donald Trump Isolated On Climate Issues, Et Al., Surrenders Global Leadership
The G20, at the moment, is very much a G19 — and it appears Donald Trump couldn’t care less.
The G20, at the moment, is very much a G19 — and it appears Donald Trump couldn’t care less.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, arguably one of the currently most influential leaders in the world, and most certainly one of the more respected, has issued a shot across the bow of Donald Trump’s nascent US leadership in advance of next week’s G20 summit next week, raising the specter of a public and contentious clash over the protectionist and isolationist policies of the United States, in particular its stance on climate change.
One of the key differences between Clinton and Trump was their stances on climate change. Clinton had a strong plan to continue the USA’s leadership position, and Trump disputes its existence. However, a Trump presidency isn’t a disaster for climate action globally or in the US. In fact, he might actually reduce US emissions, however unintentionally.
A new analysis of policies promised by US Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump by Lux Research has shown that US carbon emissions could be 3.4 billion tons higher under a Trump Presidency than if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.
US President Barack Obama has halted new coal leasing while the Department of the Interior launches a comprehensive review of the federal coal program. The news was announced on Friday by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, who revealed that the Interior Department “will launch a comprehensive review to identify … [continued]